Rachel Shepard, CSA
Phone: 206-556-9145
Disclaimer: We take family and care extremely seriously. All information submitted to this website is completely confidential. We do not believe in putting families through additional hassles by being bombarded with unwanted calls or emails. We protect all information and anyone we contact on a family's behalf must communicate through us rather than calling families directly. We work hard to keep you protected.
For immediate assistance please contact us directly via phone. We are available 7 days a week between 8:00am and 8:00pm. If we miss your call we will call you back quickly once we are free. Otherwise please submit the form below with a brief description of needs and we will contact you back. Thank you for trusting Dedicated Care Solutions to help you find the best solutions.
Sherri Pribble-Jones, CSA
Phone: 425-870-4277
Address: 9010 Market PL
PMB #20
Lake Stevens, WA. 98258
Company Fax: 425-977-7775
Angela Cranford, CSA
Phone: 206-229-4123
The benefit of using a local advisor to your area is huge. They will be an expert in the area by knowing options and average costs up front. They can work quickly to serve your needs. Contact us now so we can hold your hand throughout this difficult time.
Our belief is to serve "as servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart." Ephesians 6:6
Call for FREE personalized info
Faith Macauley, Advisor
Phone: 206-276-2424